3 ways to Improve Self-love

With it being Valentine’s Day, whether you celebrate it or not. Or if you are partnered or not. It is possible that you have been exposed to a number of ways to show appreciation to a loved one or partner, but what about your love for yourself? Every day is a good day to engage in self-loving and/or self-care behaviors and activities. The love and care that you show yourself has an impact on how others experience you. It can also set the tone for the ways in which you desire to be treated. Here are a few ways to improve self-love and care.

  1. List and affirm daily the things that you appreciate about yourself. Often times we focus on what we are not and lose sight of all the things that we ARE.
  2. Try to limit and stop comparisons. Comparisions can be the thief of happiness. Oftentimes the things we compare ourselves to are not always what they appear to be. Your story is unique and it cannot be compared to others.
  3. Engage in small self-love behaviors and/or activities daily. Self-care does not always need to have a cost attached to it. While a good splurge on self-care is well deserved, think of something that leaves you feeling replenished and refreshed. *Try to see if you can identify one thing that you can do that doesn’t require you to spend anything or leave your home.

You deserve love and appreciation and it starts with how you treat yourself. Think of a few things you may be able to do today to show yourself some self-love. You deserve it! If today is a difficult one for you, reach out to your support system. If you feel like it is more than what they can handle reach out to a licensed professional.

Take care,

Ebony Skinner, LPC

Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to be or substitute treatment by a Licensed Professional.