An introduction to mindfulness

If you have landed on this post, you have probably heard about mindfulness, searched for it or are interested in learning more about it. Do you know what mindfulness means or how you can incorporate it as a daily practice? Whether you have heard about it or not, I encourage you to keep reading to find out how mindfulness may be able to help you cope with stress or difficult emotions.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the ability to pay attention on purpose. It simply means having a present moment awareness of things that are going on including the experience of emotions, without judgement. Mindfulness allows you to be able to experience things as they are in the moment. How often do you find yourself on autopilot during the day going from task to task? The practice of mindfulness can help you get out of autopilot and back into the present moment.

Mindfulness practice

 Mindfulness has been used in a number of ways including meditation; by being present with each breath. Practicing mindfulness can be as simple as paying attention to emotions and activities in daily life. For example, taking a mindful walk. During the walk, try noticing the environment and the sensation of each footstep as you walk. These stopping and slowing down moments can help you get back in the moment and be present. Mindfulness has been shown to be effective for coping with stress, mental health, emotional reactivity, aid in post-traumatic growth and coping with chronic pain.

I would like to invite you to think about how you would like to show up in your day to day. In what ways, can you be more mindful today?

Be well,

Ebony Skinner, LPC

Disclaimer: Mindfulness is a helpful tool, but it should not take the place of mental health treatment. This blog post is not intended to be or substitute treatment by a Licensed Professional Counselor.